critical repair program
Our ability to offer repairs on existing homes varies throughout the year. We typically work directly with cities to find funding opportunities. Please keep checking as availability changes periodically!
senior households
female-led households
households with disabilities
veteran households

OPEN! We have a limited number of repair opportunities available for residents within the City of Clovis. Please contact Marina Harutyunyan at for more information.

Our waitlist for City of Fresno residents is full as we process the 2-year backlog of applicants delayed by COVID-19. We hope to reopen this list in 2025 or later.

Due to changes in the funding channels and Habitat’s capacity to process the new expectations, we are currently unable to pursue funding to perform repairs in Madera.
future plans
Our repair program began as a response to the overwhelming community need for critical repairs on existing homes in our community. Since the program’s inception, the influx of interest created a long waitlist. The global pandemic delayed our ability to serve waitlisted applicants. During this time, there were changes made by funders to the program parameters—this affected the number of projects we could complete and changed the scope of the projects we could accept. We are working diligently to bring back all the programs that are so important for our community. We appreciate your continued patience!